Tuesday, May 24, 2011

We made it!

We're finally here! The trailer is parked, set up, everything is in it's place, and all is well. And not a moment too soon: the driving was wearing on Tim and I so badly that I was mere moments away from screaming "Screw this, take me HOME!"

Tim is in his "office" (the truck), and I'm feeding Havoc his breakfast of bananas and granola. Zoe is lying in his bed, glaring at me and clearly thinking, "Okay, Mom, joke's over, can we go home now?"

Our home for the summer is gorgeous. It's all huge pine trees, grassy clearings, and sunshine. This morning is about 50 degrees, and the high today is 62. It's a little cool yet for my tastes, but it'll warm up as summer moves on.

Havoc still hasn't truly adjusted, he isn't sleeping well so I've been sleeping with him. Hopefully that'll resolve itself soon. I don't mind it, but I'd rather sleep with that husband of mine. He's much warmer and the nights are effing COLD!

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