Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Back in the saddle... or something...

I finally went climbing the other day. The weather was beautiful, and Tim offered to wrangle the kid for me so that it would actually be a climbing day instead of the usual "I brought my shoes and chalk but I'm just going to follow Havoc around while he gets into shit because Tim is climbing everything in sight at such a rapid pace that I can't touch any stone except for what I pull out of Havoc's mouth" days.

It was basically a mistake.

To begin with, I was still sick. My cold had turned into a raging sinus infection and it felt like there was a ton of concrete in my nasal cavities. Then there was the fact that we went to McKinney Falls, which by all accounts but Tim's is the hardest climbing in Central Texas, with brutal mantle top outs. (In case you've forgotten, I can't mantle anymore, because it makes my wrists and hands go completely numb for sometimes days.) I also hadn't had my nap, which I realize makes me sound like a three year old but, man, I really need my naps. (Hey, I'm up all night long with a crying baby, all right, I need naps in order to survive.)

I climbed for maybe thirty minutes, and I'm probably being really generous with that. I bitched the whole time, pretty much, and failed quite a bit. I did finally top out two problems, the easiest ones there (one of which I actually topped out when I was like seven months pregnant, just to show you how NOT proud that actually is), and threw in the towel.

The whole day was not lost, however. We put Havoc in his new Havoc Hauler and walked some of the trails out there, which are beautiful. I'd been climbing there for three years before I'd discovered the trails (Tim and his one track mind), so I love the chance to explore the park more. All you climbers that I like to pretend are reading this (even though I know you're not), if you haven't wandered the trails, do it. Take the dog for a walk as a reward for staying off the crash pads or something. It's really pretty out there.

Sunday, February 20, 2011

I just feel like complaining for a sec

Man, oh man, are Havoc and I sick. He is a champ, thankfully, he pretty much is the same as always just with more snot on his face and every now and then a little bitching. I, however, am a mess. I just want to cry all day long. I suck at being sick. I get guy colds.

What sucks about that is that it is finally freaking gorgeous around here, and all I want to do is be outside, but my nose is all stuffed up and I'm coughing up big chunks of dried up green gunk and my voice is all croaky and weird and if I bend over at all I get dizzy and feel like I'm going to pass out. It's my version of prime climbing weather (everyone else likes it cold, but I like it mid 70's and sunny), and I'm stuck inside. Grrr. If I don't get out of this house soon, I am going to go entirely batshit crazy.

Also I want to lose a few pounds, but it's Girl Scout Cookie season, and all the Valentine's Day candies are on sale, then it'll be Easter, and that makes losing weight difficult.


Friday, February 18, 2011

New Punkyuppie

So. We let the old lapse because, well, we couldn't get the webmaster to change any goddamn thing and the layout, tagline, blah blah blah no longer applied (and hadn't since we got home from our honeymoon roughly four years ago). So, yeah. New site. Free site. I can make the changes needed to this one as needed. Forgive the crappiness. Or ignore the crappiness, whatever it takes to make you happy, I really don't care so much. I'm aware that really only our parents/family/close friends who feel obligated still ever look at this silly bog anyway, so whatever.

But yeah. New blog. Save it. Remove the old one. Go.