Sunday, May 29, 2011

Terror at the Preist Draw.

When Tim and I were first considering this trip, our biggest reservation was Havoc. He loves his routines, his yard, his room, his things. We were really concerned that he'd be miserable and feel uprooted. Instead he's absolutely thriving! He loves being outdoors, loves the tall Ponderosa pines, the rocks, everything but the wind. It's super windy today, so he and I stayed home while Tim went out with Cody and Sam.

No, the uprooted one is Zoe. She's still pouting. She seems to enjoy chasing the ravens around the meadow, and seems to like the walking to and from the climbing, and the napping when we get there, but she's still very sullen.

I'm feeling strong. Up until yesterday, I had sent everything I got on, putting to bed a few easy projects from years past. Tim's shoulder seems to have benefitted hugely from the time off, and he's back to crushing.
But yesterday. Oh, man, yesterday.

I got on this super fun and easy little climb on the right side of the Anorexic/Carnivore boulder. It's a little high for my comfort zone, but not unreasonably so. I got to the top and pulled in this little crimp, and it flexed. I yelled down to Tim (in what was an apparently high pitched and panicked voice), "Shit, it's total choss!" I've never been so scared in the six years I've been climbing.
See, I had gone up top and scouted that hold, because I hate mantling top outs. I found the crimp (small hold that only your fingertips fit on, for you non climbers), and went for the send. It never even occurred to me to knock on it, or pull on it, to make sure it was solid. So dumb! I just spotted it and blindly trusted it. In retrospect, I realized that I have never had to find my own holds before, because Tim always helps me. False security. So I stupidly pulled on this hold that was incredibly not safe while I was 15ish feet off the deck and had to downclimb so I could drop to the pads.
Ugh. I was shaking for an hour. I still feel sick, thinking about it. Unforgivably dumb. So scary.

But all's well that ends well, and today Havoc and I ran errands while Tim is climbing, and now Havoc is napping and I'm going to eat some lunch.

1 comment:

  1. Heather, I have to say I really enjoy your writing. You 3 are so lucky to be taking this summer to do what you love!! Havoc is the second cutest baby (Yo being the first of course). I read your latest about your scare... I am sure some of it is because you are now a mother. Its strange how the reckless things you use to do, suddenly seem reckless once you have a little one depending on you.... Put some pictures of your beautiful summer home up... I'd love to see where you are. (In case you don't know who Technoteach is - that's me - Yo's mom, Ruth)
