We have a new tenant, I think. If this one screws us over, expect to start addressing me by the number given to me by whichever State Correctional Facility I get remanded to. She should be arriving here at some point on the 21st, we should be departing on the 22nd, and hopefully will be setting up house someplace not so suffocatingly hot by the 25th or 26th.
Tim has out the super glue. Oh, lord. I'm pretty sure that super glue wasn't made with repairing crumbling weather stripping in mind.
(Haha, he just walked by me muttering, "Ok, before I glue myself to myself, I should throw this away..." It's the little things.)
So here we are, cooling our heels for another ten days, and we're both going a little stir crazy. Thus the fixing of the weather stripping. It's funny, when your house is suddenly very empty, but you're still living in it, you really really start seeing all those little things that you meant to fix last year but got really busy and forgot about.
There are lots of those things in our house. Like, lots. Lots and lots and lots.
They're all smallish things, like the weather stripping coming unstuck on the back door because I am not qualified to install things like weather stripping. Like the chipped paint on the bathroom window sill from where I set an apparently wet rubber ducky that then sealed itself to the sill and pulled up paint when I removed it two months later. Like the rust stains in the bottom of one of the crisper drawers in the fridge (you store your fruit and veggies there, I store my beer. Don't judge me.) Like the screen on the window over the kitchen sink that I removed (broke) trying to get back into the house when I locked myself out one day when I was like 6 months pregnant and Tim was at work and my phone was locked in the house.
Anyway, in theory we're going to try to get some of that stuff taken care of. In reality though, I love those little "defects", because they're all the marks we've left on this house while we were making it our home. I don't know for sure that I'll exactly treasure the little discolored spot on Havoc's bedroom floor from the first time he copped a squat during Naked Baby Booty time, but I might. I want to come home to all of those flaws this fall. I want those little things to remind me that it's still home, even if I've been away. So I have to figure out ways to distract Tim from going apeshit and fixing everything.
Want a beer, honey?
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